jueves, 3 de febrero de 2011

Humans reproduction

Is important that we now when is the correct age to have a baby because if we have a baby like at 18 years is bad for the girls that have the baby because is probability that they don’t going to have the opportunities that the girls that don’t have babies, they can have all the opportunities to have a good life.

Is important that we reproduce because if we don’ t reproduce our species can finish so fast but we need have responsible sexual relation and we can’t reproduce so much because if we reproduce so much we can have overpopulation in our country it need be moderate.

We reproduce when a man and a women have a sexual relation the sperm of the man need enter to the ova of the women, the mans have so much sperms the have millions of sperms and the women only have one ova the sperms can’t enter all it is only the more stronger and the most faster, then the sperm and the ova mix and they form a baby, the baby need be 9 months in the stomach of the mom and then the baby born and have the process that all living things have

To be born
To grow
To reproduce
And to die

1 comentario:

  1. Laurita, too many mistakes... Some incoherences... etc.

    now: know...?
