jueves, 3 de febrero de 2011

How and why the humans reproduce?

The humans reproduce based to a sexual life, when women and men join to have ha baby. Humans are the only species that have the ability to understand the process of reproduction, with the tecnology to control our own fertility. So we have the responsability to manage our reproductive capacity.
Reproduction have become an option rather than an obligation. We are taught from birth that life is sacred and that the creation of a new life should not be taken lightly. Unfortunately, the possibilities and consequenses inherent in sexual activity are often ignored to be carried away by the desires of the moment pleasurable.

A measure of maturity is the ability to discuss on reproduction and fertility contorl with the couple before giving rise to the sexual desires.
The decition to have a child must take into account the goals of the couple, the capacity or maturity to be parents, the economi situation, employment situation or work, the health of the mother, availabity of care,sopport family, etc...
The teenagers are not capasity to be parets and sopport a baby, if they are poor the young think in the posibility to put in adopt that baby because they dont have money with what sopported.

1 comentario:

  1. pale, are some parts taken from internet?? Why are there no mistakes in some lines and in other ones there are tons????
