lunes, 14 de febrero de 2011


When I plant my seed of avocado I named Bartholomew J Simpson and I was very happy and I had a lot of expectative, because I was going to saw how my plant was going to grew and I going to saw how a new life came. I was with my plant 23 days, the first day I plant it in a container and I give a good soil to grow a lot and I know that it is a good soil because much plants grew there and I put it in the sun and give the correct amount of water, I do that procedure for 13 days and in the thirteenth the plant grow two little leaves, very, but very little I saw, I was happy because my expectative was realize and my plant grow, then I do for other 10 days the same procedure and my plant grow a little more, but in the twenty first day I don´t know what happen but one of the little leaves was cut, in the twenty second day I plant again that little leave and it grow again because it was a other little plant and in the twenty third day it is more big finally, I do the same process for all days I put water and I put it in the sun.

When I take the plant at my house, take care doing the same process for my plant grown and then sow in the ground to continue growing and harvesting avocados to eat with my family.

Why my plant grow?

My plant grow because I take a lot of care of then, and I put it in the sun every days and give the correct amount of water, always to be careful that someone push it, when I put it in the sun and be carful that don’t fall of the table were it is.

Nicolas Sandoval F.

domingo, 13 de febrero de 2011

TODAY i planted mi son i thing we do this lab to perpetuate this Species. is a see of bean i feel very happy because i have a son . I now that have a son is a very big responsibility for which it is necessary to take care of it throw water all that to put it in the Sun it is necessary to do it to have a healthy son with defenses.
Arrives of the time I could observe the changes that my son tape-worm .wath i did in order that my plant was growing
1.Every day an entire glass of water.
2.i put the plant out side were the sun was giving him .
this are the things more important for have a good plant .
the life cycle of a plant is this one .
mi plant grow so good i am happy very happy now i no the very big responsibility to have a son old the time you need to take care of him .
now mi plant is big and beautiful.
Also in order that grow well the plant we must prepare the area to sowing, taking off it of elements that they interfere with the development of the plants, bad grasses, remains of other cultures, etc.
Before I was not taking care of the plants and after this experiment i stared to taking care of them many persons think that the plants do not important.The plants give us oxygen when we tread on plants we are treading on thousands and thousands of animals and ecosystems take care of them.
seed a flowering plant's unit of reproduction, capable of developing into another such plant

pollination deposit pollen in (a flower or plant) and so allow fertilization

pollen a powdery substance discharged from the male part of a flower, each microscopic grain containing a male gamete that can fertilize the female ovule

pistil Botany the female organs of a flower, comprising the stigma, style, and ovary


In the first lab we are trying to found the DNA from a strawberry. DNA or deoxyribonucleic acid is the hereditary material in humans and almost all other organisims. Never a person is going to had the same DNA of other person Most DNA is located in cell nucleus where it is called nuclear DNA but a small amount of DNA can be found in the mitocondria that is called mitocondrial DNA or MT DNA. The information of DNA is stored as a code made up of four chemical bases : A adenine G guanine C cytosine T thymine human DNA consists of about 3 billion bases, and more than 99%of those bases are the same in all people each person had a secuence of DNA if the secuence destroyd you can have deseases.

To do the lab we need this materials

-Ripe strawberries


-Coffee filters




-plastic bags

-plastic cups

-measuring spoons freezer

First we need to put the strawberries in a plastic bags and start crashing them then put 1 tea spoon per strawberry then add salt then shampoo and finally alcohool.

in my group don work the lab mabye because the strawberries dont have many juice to take out and mabye becaus we dont pay attention


my plant dont grow mabye because the seed is very hard to grow the seed is of albaca


When i planted my plant i was so happy to create a new life when I know it I named my plant Margaret I choosed this name because I thought that was funny so my plant was named Margaret then I took care so much time my beautiful plant, but the problem was that Margaret didn’t grow, in this moment I didn’t understand why my plant didn’t grow but I saw my plant after and I took out the land of the container and when I saw, the plant didn’t had the seed so I plant again and in this moment I ‘am take care my plant but the plant didn’t grow.

I plant an orange and I think I ‘am going to help the perpetuation of the orange species and is so good that we plant so much trees because the trees are going to help as in our lives if we are like this contaminating and damaging the nature, maybe our specie in going to extinct.

I plant orange because I like so much the orange, before I plant my plant I was happy and in my house I prepare the orange seeds because the other day we went prepare the new beautiful life.
This experiment was so funny because in the morning all kids was happy and the names of all plants where beautiful and someone’s where funny, this experiment was with miss angie in science class.

I like science class because I think it is so funny the experiments for example when we saw the DNA of strawberries and this experiment of the plant, and I think that was good to help so much thinks of the nature and the perpetuation of some fruits and other things.

My plant…………..
One day in class we had to do an experiment that was to plant a seed so I took Earth of a plant that was very big, then I put two seeds and the Earth was very wet because that night rained, and I put many water so I thought that the plant drowned, later I put the plant in the class at the other day I put my plant at the sun so my plant needs water and i put a little bit of water and I forget to intro the plant to my class and that night rain so much and like one week I forget that I have a plant so that week rain so much, so I think that in that weekend my plant die, like two weekends later I start to care of my plant puting water, puting at the sun and giving love.and the other weekend a forgot two the plant so all the days the plant stay in the classroom with out water and with out sun one day I put my plant at the sun and someone with a ball throw my plant and all was in the grass so I put all in the plastic and yesterday I saw my plant and there is not the seed.
So now I learned that I am a very bad mom so in a next oportunity i am gonna take care of my plant puting water and taked to the sun and giving love
Because this experiment is very important to help the World since the plants give oxigent and help to clean the air so we can breath a more healthier air.

.................MY PLANT DONT GROW.........................

My plant dont grow because i dont take a good care of it, but i think that it was not my fault, i think that the seed was broken in the inside so it was not my fault.when i came to school in the bus the seeds start to get broken, so when the class started they where broken so they dont grow.
the life cycle of this little plants is so so tiny, when a little but very little mistake start all the life cycle gets damaged, when the inside system gets damaged the root gets broken so it is inposible that it grows, i think the scientists can do an
experiment to rebuild the root and make the plant grow again.
i am sad because my little baby " FRIJOLIN" dont grow up and it die =( but here in my house I will plant a new one =).
the new plant is not with soil but it is with cotton and so much water, i think that im going to take care of it so much because it is in my house so i can watch it every moment, it is going to be in      my room so i can see it, every night and watch its changes.                                 
it is going to be cool to watch it grow to its biggest form so it will be "FRIJOLIN III", because the first one i made it with my father, the second one was the one in the schoool and the third on its going to be in my HOUSE!!!!!!!!!!!.

i will take care of it like if it was my "sick grandma" jajaja. i estimate that it is going to grow like a meter and a half because the first was gigant!. so i will see, if it grow i am a super hero and if not a am a LoSeR, i will post the new plant so you are going to coment and the coment have to say Super hero or LOSER. so we will see.

                                                                                  in this photo i am sad.




I start a new life

The Project that we do whit Miss Angie was a plant and see the way they grow and the problems that we can found for example if we put too much water the plant will dry but if we don’t put water the plant will die because all the living things need water for have a healthy live.

One morning Angie take us too plant our seed w put the soil of a tree that was very beauty, and I plant 4 seeds 1 was of been 3 was of peas they pass 3 days and I was worry because my seeds don’t open¡ and finally in the 5 day one open a little bit but I put very happy and I show to my friends is very nice to start a new life.

But I see a problem my seed was very deep and she can’t get outside so I try to move a little bit but unlucky I kill because I broke his roots .I was very sad because I think that it will never grow again .

They pass 2 more days and in Monday I see a very strong plant it was big like the smallest finger it was in a green very beauty an immediately I go to put water. In the recess I putted outside .for the sun.

Next I see that the been that I plant was whit a very tiny think around he so I kwon now that is die.

the nature is beautiful

I plant life , I plant a seed of bean, he is called sam.
first we brought a container that can suport the soil and the water and we start to fill the container with soil and when we where puting the seeds A explainthat if we plant many seeds in a little container some plants are going to born with a very nice nutrition and some others are going to born very weak , so takeing into account that information and the size of my container the best decition was to plant only two seeds.
three days later I saw that sam was like cracking , and in another two days from that crack start to grow like a thick root.

One day I forgot to put the water , that day was FRIDAY so the plant stay without water a weekend so sam died because of a dry of soil.

so I needed to take a fast decition , wait that a miracle save my plant or plant a new seed .
so I decided to plant another bean seed.
I thought that the plant was going to take to much time to grow but no it takes just the same time that the last one .
this plant grow because I take care of it , if I wouldnt take care of it this plant wouldnt grow.
now sam is growing with no problems.
the nature is awesome , I like to plant plants it is helpful because we are perpetuating the especies of many plant.
the plants help the human to breed , if the world was created with no plants the mammals and any other animal that need to breed would not live.

by : luis castro


My plant grows!!! One day I take to school some seeds, 1bean, 2 lentils, and 2 chickpea also a transparent container then I put a little of soil into the transparent container, then I put the 2 chickpea, one in one side and the other in the other side, then I put a little more of soil and in the middle of the container I put the bean,I put more soil and the lentils and anlittle more of soil and finaly some drops of water
(january 17 )

in january 19 I put a some drips of water in the soil. In january 21 I aready see one rood of the bean. In january 23 the rood were biger and it appeared some leaves. From january 25 to january 28 I take care of it every day, putting some drops on water and in the brak I let out to take some sun, during that time my plant grow alot. In February the 1st I put a little of water and a little of sun but one of the 3 plants fell down. In february 7, one of the 3 plants have 2 little branches. Until february 11 my plant is perfect is beautiful but one of them broke.



Natitwo was the seed that I plant it was of orange, my plant doesn’t grow because I plant a seed that not grows in Homedale it grows in warm places that was the bad thing that I do the next time I going to research some seed that can grow in Homedale, a other bad thing that maybe I do it was that some Fridays I let the plant outside the classroom and maybe it rains a lot or do a lot of sun and that maybe stop the grown of the plant, my hypothesis was that my plant going to grow to much but my hypothesis was bad because I don’t take account the clime that needs a orange seed to grow.

The orange seed it is a subtropical species. Not tolerate frost, suffering from both flowers and fruits and vegetation, which may disappear completely.

Presents little resistance to cold (at 3-5 degrees Celsius suffering enough).

Does not require hours-cold for flowering. No dormancy, but a stoppage of growth by low temperatures (quiescence) that cause the induction of spring-flowering branches.

Requires heavy rainfall (about 1,200 mm), which are not covered when we must resortto irrigation. It needs warm temperatures during the summer for the proper maturation ofthe fruit.

Maybe can I choice the coffee seed

The Coffee is grown in places with rainfall ranging from 750 mm per year (7,500 m3) to 3000mm (30,000 m3), but the best coffee is grown in areas that are at altitudes of 1200 to1700 meters, where the annual rainfall from 2000 to 3000 mm and average annual temperature is 16 º to 22 º. But more important is the distribution of this precipitation a function of the plant cycle. We can say that the crop requires a rain (or irrigation) abundant and evenly distributed since the beginning of flowering until late summer (November-September) to encourage the development of the fruit and wood. In autumn however should a drought period that induces flowering the following year.
