jueves, 3 de febrero de 2011

Human Reproduction


How do humans reproduce?
- Each living being have to go through each stage of a life cycle.

What is a life cycle:
- Is when each living being go trough this stages:
To be born 
To grow
To reproduce
To die

Each living being make this process for complete their life.

To be born: Is when each living being begins his life.
To grow: After each living being was born starts to grow because they have to change their body for in the next
 stage can reproduce.
To reproduce: The reproduction is a form for the perpetuation of species, after this stage, each living being had
 developed his body, and can reproduce, the reproduction is when each living being form another life of the 
same specie.
To die: Is the end of each life cycle, in wich a living being enjoyed his life.   

Each living being is born in a different way, grow in a different way, reproduce in a different way and die.
The way in wich humans reproduce is when a male reproductive cell and a female reproductive cell find each
 one and join, and after this there is a new life.

After this process each human body underwet changes, those changes are vital for human reproduction
 because their bodies are developing for be able to reproduce, specially the woman because she is the one 
who have a place in her body where babies can form.


Why humans do reproduce?
- Each livivnge being reproduce, humans reproduce as we have seen, and is vital for for the perepetuation of species beacuse when living beings reproduce is making other nodels of the same specie.


2 comentarios:

  1. i like so much your publication but the next time put some images or a vidio

    att:Gabriela Jaramillo

  2. Laurita, super super nice! I loved it..
