martes, 25 de enero de 2011


Is a form of asexual reproduction or cloning, where an organism is divided into fragments. Each of these fragments develop into mature, fully grown individuals that are a clone of the original organism. If the organism is split any further the process is repeated. Fragmentation is caused by mitosis, system characteristic of simple organisms. Meiosis is not involved in fragmentation, meiosis system is characteristic of complex organisms.

Starfish use fragmentation accompanied by regeneration, the regrowth of body parts from pieces of an animal, to reproduce. Reproduction occurs if two or more pieces of a parent body regenerate into complete adults.

Fragmentation is seen in many organisms su

ch as molds, some annelid worms, and seastars. Binary fission of single-celled organisms such bacteria, protozoa and many algae is a type of fragmentation.


If asexual reproduction (cloning) is completely natural in various organisms, why is not well seen in humans?

Asexual reproduction is not well seen in humans, because the result would be identical to their parent bodies, with the same genes with no change in its members and does not allow for favorable mutations to the development and improvement of the species, typical of sexual reproduction, and also the lethal

By Nicolas sandoval f

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