when this happens half of a sperm is "Y" and the other half is "x", if the new lyfe has "XY" its a boy, and if it has "XX"it is a girl, its so strange but you have to believe on it.
many people create legends about DNA and that but 70% is a lie and 30% is the truth.
when a teen-ager have a son, so many problems in his or her society start, they can think that she or he is strange, iresponseable, sexually bad educated , ETC:....
the point is, you dont have a baby at 18 (or less)years old because you arenot preparated to have such a big responability, to carry in your arms your own baby!!!!!! so before you have it at the wrong age think about it two times.
JuanK, Nice, I liked it... lyfe: life... etc.. Many mistakes!!!