We humans have been reproducing for thousand and thousands of years ,but some of us might not know how do humans reproduce ? or how do humans create a new life ?
The females sex cell is called egg ,ova or ovule this sex cell grows inside one of the two ovary's during 28 days this cell makes its trajectory and if in those days no male sex cell reaches the ovule it turns into blood which the female disposes after wards.
The males sex cells are called sperm or spermatoziod this is a little cell ,it looks like a tadpole, these cells are stored in testicles of the male ,a male can generate millions of tiny spermatozoids.
When the spermatozoids reach the females avole they all fight to get in, liked showed in this picture,only the strong
FUN FACT:do you know if the female or the male puts the genere of the baby?
ANSWER : Its the male the male has the gener in the spermtoziod.
Humans reprouce becouse that might be the only way of keeping everything alive because humans are the one that keep all the plants and animals alive and also to let the human specie alive to let it perpetuate.
i dont have eny coment to do because its very complet is a super job i allways like to read because is very good redacteid
ResponderEliminaratt:Gabriela Jaramillo
Sophi... super nice and one of the best...