I plant life , I plant a seed of bean, he is called sam.
first we brought a container that can suport the soil and the water and we start to fill the container with soil and when we where puting the seeds A explainthat if we plant many seeds in a little container some plants are going to born with a very nice nutrition and some others are going to born very weak , so takeing into account that information and the size of my container the best decition was to plant only two seeds.
three days later I saw that sam was like cracking , and in another two days from that crack start to grow like a thick root.
One day I forgot to put the water , that day was FRIDAY so the plant stay without water a weekend so sam died because of a dry of soil.
so I needed to take a fast decition , wait that a miracle save my plant or plant a new seed .
so I decided to plant another bean seed.
I thought that the plant was going to take to much time to grow but no it takes just the same time that the last one .
this plant grow because I take care of it , if I wouldnt take care of it this plant wouldnt grow.
now sam is growing with no problems.
the nature is awesome , I like to plant plants it is helpful because we are perpetuating the especies of many plant.
the plants help the human to breed , if the world was created with no plants the mammals and any other animal that need to breed would not live.

by : luis castro
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