Humans all the time had been reproduce with Only one form that is when two humans woman and man join and create a new life that form is called sex but now like the technology has been change so now are more tipys to reproduce without having sex that is called asexual becouse is not the natural type to reproduce so now in a laboratory the scintists take out the sex cells of the man that are called gametes and they insert them to the woman so after they sex cells enter(that is called laboratory baby) is like a carrer for the sex cells becouse Only one sex cell can enter and they are many so the ones that not enter they die in the body of woman are they go out in differents form like wen woman goes to the bathroom she expulsed them. Another asexual thing is to desing a baby so you can say of wath color of eyes can be your baby and how you want the hands, so that is bery sad becouse what happen with the genetics? So now thw baby is not gonna be like her parents.
I think that humans want to reproduce becouse the humans want to perpetuate the specie “humans” and another reason can be that the husbands had children becouse they hant to create a new family.
Mel, First of all there are many mistakes... You keep making the same mistakes and not using a dictionary. There are some parts that make no sense and I could not understand. There are some things that you say butI didn´t know what you meant? like women go to the bathroom and expulse something??? No idea!!