domingo, 6 de febrero de 2011


I look like this because the genetics of my parent´s when i was a sperm the chromosomes acts giving instructions to create characteristics. I look more to my father than my mother because the genes of them created more characteristics of my father than my mother, i take the hair of my father, the eyes color of my mother, the skin color of my father, the nose shape of my father, the face shape of my mother, the hands of my father, the height of my mother, the abilities of my father and the temperamental likes of my mother.

With an sperm of my father and a ovum of my mother created me, to be a girl is a formula and to be a boy is another formula. The DNA of the people is different nobody has the same DNA, nobody in the same family have the same DNA, we are igual like our parents because we can behave like them our temperament, enthusiasm and wanting to do everything our behave can be good or bad in that behave influence the behave of the parents because if the child see that the parents behave bbad the child do the same but if the imfluence tha the parnets gave to him.

1 comentario:

  1. Pale, I am gonna give you the opportunity to correct your spelling... Check every word with a dictionary and correct it.
