sábado, 12 de febrero de 2011

my beautiful plant

My bean plant grew because I gave him the necessary care as much water, sunshine and lot of love. This great plant get started as a small little seed, then I grew some roots, some big green leaves and at the end of the process a long stem. Before planting Angie gave us a series of explicasiones like they do not water because it sorely could drown and if we gave a lot sun could dry but I did not do any of those things because I had that I do not care exceeds plant. During all these days that have passed have written all the changes that happened as soon as my beautiful Plantic has grown, new things you are growing and even if my love is helping to grow healthy and strong.
This paper started from the January 17, 2011. My plan to miss me very proud because their growth has been very well structured. I can not believe that this beautiful plant is that little bean before. This plant has passed through a cycle of long life because it was first a tiny little seed, came out the roots, the leaves will grow, and at the end of this process we came a long stem.

I learned that when you are growing plants need very many care as the food, care and give them love. Also this process of growth of plants is very long and is as similar to humans. Plants reproduce sexually not mind because they have no male or female parts but the same plant to herself because she is the one that contains everything inside of them. I really like the activity because I left a large super teaching life like when you plant a seed that has to go through a long process of growth, all the reproductive parts are in them and also that this living being is very important from birth. When the plant grew and learned new things that the growth of them is that toka parts and also take care and watch for them all the time.
Gabriela Jaramillo

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