Life cycle
The life cycle is the process of every human beings, plants and animals.
As we know the steps are:
1. Born
2. Grow
3. Reproduction
5. Die
This steps are the same for humans, plants and animals.
First you born as a result of the reproduction.
Then it came the grow.
After the grow it became the reproduction, that is the creation of new lives or new plants. For this process is necessary a male and a female.
For humans and animals can be by sexual relation.
For plants as flowers it can be by sex cells wish get together to created new life.
the animals have 2 ways one is when they put an egg.The other way, is when they are mammal,vertebrate animal of a class Mammalia that is distinguished by the possession of hair or fur, the secretion of milk, and typically the birth of, live young.
The final step is to die. die is when your life cycle finish.
The cycle never finish or we can say that it always started again, because when you die your sons start the reproduction process again. I think this is the most important process of the world "THE REPRODUCTION" , because if we dont reproduce, the humman race, the animals and plants will dissapear.
what can we do to avoid the extinction of the humman race, the animal and the plants?
1 more reproduction but in a appropiate age.
2 dont kill animals, humans and plants .
3 make campaings of planting seeds and trees.
4 do campaings for take care of all the nature.
5 we can do campaings to do not contaminate the environment.
6 love all the animals and take care of them.
7 do not participate in ilegal buy of animal in extinction.
8 tell the autoritys if we see someone buying animals in extinction or maltreating animals.
9 teaching all the people that we cant leave if we dont take care of the plants, as they gave us oxygen to live.
10 Eat well and take care of the health so the reproduction process of humans be succefull and have healthy childrens.
11 respect each other because we are living things and we should not hurt the others.
12 its VERY important to take care of the use of water. we have to remember that water is the element of nature that keeps every living thing alive. the natural resourses are essential for the realization of the living cycle.
To conclude: humans, animals and plants are part of the planet earth and we have the mission to take care of us. at the same time the humans have to take care of the natural resorces for the existence of the planeth earth.

Juan Pa, first of all a correction: not all the animals go through metamorphosis! We talked about it in class!! Now, your reflection was very short, and to be honest poor. Besides you did not write a personal action!