Asexual reproduction is a mode of reproduction in which some living beings give just one cell from their own body, is the formation of an individual from one cell of a single parent.
- Budding
- Fragmentation
- Regeneration
- Fission
- Spore
- Polyembroyny
- Parthenogenesis
Is when a living being splits in a fragment or more fragments, is like if they were cloning exactly how they are in a natural way, their own body is the one who divides in parts like corals, worms and starfish:

- As we had seen, to clone is a natural process of reproducing, but the science is not better than nature, because the nature makes that some animals can clone their own bodies with out chemical substances. Humans think they can surpass the limits of nature, and they are better than nature.
- Nature decided what is the mode of reproduce of each specie and nature decides that humans have to reproduce by sexual relations, is no normal that humans prefer to clone their bodies than to have sexual relations to make new life, if people clone their bodies we couldn't
name our descendants as daughter, son , goddaughter , etc.
Laura m, i really liked your post its really interesting i also liked your reflections i dindt see it in that way its nice to know someone sees it in that way ,thank you for expalning what fragmentation is i undestand it completly now .
ResponderEliminarLaurita is back!!! This was very interesting, I loved your reflection... and I liked Sophi´s comment!!! Nice!
ResponderEliminargood job laura
ResponderEliminarLaura I think that you work is excellent, the images are very clear to explain the topic, but especially your reflections, good, I like it.
ResponderEliminarThanks for the people who commented.
ResponderEliminarI'm proud you liked my text.
ResponderEliminarLaurita, that´s great... I really trust on you. I am proud of havign such a reflective student. Keep doing it.