The reproduction is very important and if there were not reproduction in the worl the human race , the animals and the plants were not here .The reproduction is for the perpetuation of all the types of lives that are in the world .The problem is that now all the young girls have babys in a very youn age ( 14 -15 16 17 ) and they are not prepared to that responsibility and there is a overpopulation in the world and the natural resourses are ending because evry human and living think needed. another problem is that we ( the human race) are having too much babys but the animals are disapearing and were killing.but if we stop reproduction the humans race is gonna disapear so we are destined to die ? The answer is in the balance ,the goverment have to invest money to a education good fot the kids that can pay too much money and the girls can understand thet have babys in a youn age is not a good idea and they have to study and evry think in his moment and that we have to respect all the types of lives and dont kill animals or destroy forest because that can afect her life cicle ,the preservation of the human is to care abaut all the living thinks.
life cicle
The moments of the the grow of living thinks ( animals ,plants and the humans race ) thre is a very delicate cicle for example if i kill a mouse ,the birds can eat and die if the birds die the eagle will die and another and another the problem now is that the humans are killing all the animal and the life cicle are altering and all the nature is dying .
what we can do ?
we ( the students ) can tell evryone the importance of the life cicle and stop killing lithe insects because they see not importance but there probably is a bird that eat that bugs and the cicle brokes ,if we have farms we can start to plant trees this trees in the future can albergue birds and animal.

Sweet Gaby! This is an excellent reflection! and you let it go! There are several mistakes in the grammar part, but I understand the message and it´s very complete!! Great job!