Is a period of time of persons or animal´s life . the life cycles has 4 parts : when born reproduce and eventually dies that also happens in plants growing breed are born and die life cycles may be disruped in animals an humans in animals that have been disrupted die at birth or killed at an early age that hunters pursue them or because the habitat where they are destroyed also by the weather the life cycle of humans can on occacion interrups that are stillborn die from diseases at an early age , kill , commit suicide , die from animal attack or natural disasters
Is a period of time of persons or animal´s life . the life cycles has 4 parts : when born reproduce and eventually dies that also happens in plants growing breed are born and die life cycles may be disruped in animals an humans in animals that have been disrupted die at birth or killed at an early age that hunters pursue them or because the habitat where they are destroyed also by the weather the life cycle of humans can on occacion interrups that are stillborn die from diseases at an early age , kill , commit suicide , die from animal attack or natural disasters
what i would do is to care about the envirioment hambientes , for animals to survive and take care of natural disasters avoid enemies ans say all that to may colleagues to also do the same to so care for the world and our life

Dear Mateo! I´m glad to read your article! Being a new student is very hard! But you are doing a good job... It´s great to know that u´re a very good student!
ResponderEliminarthanks angie