Is a asexual form of reproduction or cloninig where the organism is cut into fragments, sometimes is not intentional then this fragments start to grow individual and that are the all Reddy grows that are the clone of the original organismo.
Surface cratering: This portion of the Moon is covered by numerous circular holes. These are impact craters, each of which was formed when an asteroid or comet collided with the Moon's surface. The large number of craters in this region indicates that this part of the Moon is quite ancient. Geologic processes have not erased the craters with time.
Spallation:is a process which fragments of material are ejected from a body due to impact or stress.
Mel: The spelling and grammar mistakes make it really hard to understand.. why don´t you read it and you´ll see that it doesn´t make any sense. What´s the name of the type of reproduction?